Re: [Planner Dev] First patch for task removal undo

Do this on new planner ,

Insert task,
Insert task,
Insert task,
Select All -> remove
* - notice out of sync and more Undo to go*
Redo x 6 until it goes unselectable,
Undo, Undo, Undo now adds tasks 4,5,6


Alvaro del Castillo wrote:

Hi guys!

Here goes the first patch for task removal undo. It currently only
recovers all the tree correctly but not relations between tasks, that it
the next point I am working on.

The best test unit I have found is the project model file that I attach.
You can load it, then select all the tasks, remove them and undo the
removal. Then save the "new" project model file and diff it with the
original. I will follow this kind of tests and if you can think in a
better test we can use it also.


-- Alvaro


Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/planner/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -r1.79 ChangeLog

2004-04-03 Alvaro del Castillo  <acs barrapunto com>

	* src/planner-task-tree.c: implemented task remove undo
Currently only recovers the task and the position in the tasks tree

Index: src/planner-task-tree.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/planner/src/planner-task-tree.c,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -r1.14 planner-task-tree.c

static PlannerCmd *task_cmd_remove                     (PlannerTaskTree      *tree,
							GtkTreePath          *path,
							MrpTask              *task);

< 	gchar           *name;
< 			     "name", cmd->name ? cmd->name : "",

typedef struct {
	PlannerCmd       base;

	PlannerTaskTree *tree;
	MrpProject      *project;

	GtkTreePath     *path;
	MrpTask         *task;
	GList           *childs;
} TaskCmdRemove;

static void task_cmd_save_childs (TaskCmdRemove *cmd)
	gint childs, i;
	childs = mrp_task_get_n_children (cmd->task);

	for (i = 0; i < childs; i++) {
		MrpTask           *task;
		TaskCmdRemove     *cmd_child;
		GtkTreePath       *path;
		PlannerGanttModel *model;
		model = PLANNER_GANTT_MODEL (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (cmd->tree)));
		task = mrp_task_get_nth_child (cmd->task, i);
		path = planner_gantt_model_get_path_from_task (model, task);
		/* We don't use this command for the undo system */
		cmd_child = g_new0 (TaskCmdRemove, 1);
		cmd_child->tree = cmd->tree;
		cmd_child->project = task_tree_get_project (cmd->tree);		
		cmd_child->path = gtk_tree_path_copy (path);		
		cmd_child->task = g_object_ref (task);
		cmd->childs = g_list_append (cmd->childs, cmd_child);
		task_cmd_save_childs (cmd_child);

	if (g_getenv ("PLANNER_DEBUG_UNDO_TASK")) {
		if (cmd->childs != NULL) {
			GList *l;
			for (l = cmd->childs; l; l = l->next) {
				TaskCmdRemove *cmd_child = l->data;
				g_message ("Child saved: %s", mrp_task_get_name (cmd_child->task));

static void
task_cmd_remove_do (PlannerCmd *cmd_base)
	TaskCmdRemove *cmd;
	gint           childs;

	cmd = (TaskCmdRemove*) cmd_base;

	childs = mrp_task_get_n_children (cmd->task);

	if (childs > 0 && cmd->childs == NULL) task_cmd_save_childs (cmd);	

	mrp_project_remove_task (cmd->project, cmd->task);

static void
task_cmd_restore_childs (TaskCmdRemove *cmd)
	PlannerGanttModel *model;
	gint               position, depth;
	GtkTreePath       *path;
	MrpTask           *parent;
	GList             *l;

	for (l = cmd->childs; l; l = l->next) {
		TaskCmdRemove *cmd_child;			
		cmd_child = l->data;

		path = gtk_tree_path_copy (cmd_child->path);
model = PLANNER_GANTT_MODEL (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (cmd_child->tree)));
		depth = gtk_tree_path_get_depth (path);
		position = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[depth - 1];
		if (depth > 1) {
			gtk_tree_path_up (path);
			parent = task_tree_get_task_from_path (cmd_child->tree, path);
		} else {
			parent = NULL;
		gtk_tree_path_free (path);
		mrp_project_insert_task (cmd_child->project,
		task_cmd_restore_childs (cmd_child);

static void
task_cmd_remove_undo (PlannerCmd *cmd_base)
	PlannerGanttModel *model;
	TaskCmdRemove     *cmd;
	gint               position, depth;
	GtkTreePath       *path;
	MrpTask           *parent;
	MrpTask           *child_parent;
	cmd = (TaskCmdRemove*) cmd_base;

	path = gtk_tree_path_copy (cmd->path);
	model = PLANNER_GANTT_MODEL (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (cmd->tree)));

	depth = gtk_tree_path_get_depth (path);
	position = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[depth - 1];

	if (depth > 1) {
		gtk_tree_path_up (path);
		parent = task_tree_get_task_from_path (cmd->tree, path);
	} else {
		parent = NULL;
	gtk_tree_path_free (path);

	mrp_project_insert_task (cmd->project,

	child_parent = planner_gantt_model_get_indent_task_target (model, cmd->task);

	if (cmd->childs != NULL) task_cmd_restore_childs (cmd);


static void
task_cmd_remove_free (PlannerCmd *cmd_base)
	TaskCmdRemove *cmd;
	GList         *l;

	cmd = (TaskCmdRemove*) cmd_base;

	for (l = cmd->childs; l; l = l->next)
		task_cmd_remove_free (l->data);

	g_object_unref (cmd->task);
	g_list_free (cmd->childs);
	g_free (cmd_base->label);
	gtk_tree_path_free (cmd->path);
	g_free (cmd);
	cmd = NULL;

static PlannerCmd *
task_cmd_remove (PlannerTaskTree *tree,
		 GtkTreePath     *path,
		 MrpTask         *task)
	PlannerTaskTreePriv *priv = tree->priv;
	PlannerCmd          *cmd_base;
	TaskCmdRemove       *cmd;

	g_return_val_if_fail (MRP_IS_TASK (task), NULL);
	cmd = g_new0 (TaskCmdRemove, 1);

	cmd_base = (PlannerCmd*) cmd;
	cmd_base->label = g_strdup (_("Remove task"));
	cmd_base->do_func = task_cmd_remove_do;
	cmd_base->undo_func = task_cmd_remove_undo;
	cmd_base->free_func = task_cmd_remove_free;

	cmd->tree = tree;
	cmd->project = task_tree_get_project (tree);

	cmd->path = gtk_tree_path_copy (path);

	cmd->task = g_object_ref (task);
	planner_cmd_manager_insert_and_do (planner_window_get_cmd_manager (priv->main_window),

	return cmd_base;

< 	GList *list, *l;
< < /* FIXME: undo */

	GList         *list, *l;
	TaskCmdRemove *cmd;


< 		mrp_project_remove_task (tree->priv->project, l->data);

		MrpTask             *task = l->data;
		PlannerGanttModel   *model;
		GtkTreePath         *path;

		model = PLANNER_GANTT_MODEL (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree)));
		path = planner_gantt_model_get_path_from_task (model, task);

		/* childs are removed with the parent */
		if (path != NULL)
			cmd = (TaskCmdRemove*) task_cmd_remove (tree, path, task);
		/* mrp_project_remove_task (tree->priv->project, l->data); */


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="" company="" manager="" phase="" project-start="20040331T000000Z" mrproject-version="2" calendar="1">
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       <task id="6" name="t113" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work">
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         <task id="8" name="t1132" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
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         <task id="16" name="t11310" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
         <task id="17" name="t11311" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
         <task id="18" name="t11312" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
   <task id="19" name="t2" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work">
     <task id="20" name="t21" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
   <task id="21" name="t3" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
   <task id="22" name="t4" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work">
     <task id="23" name="t41" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work">
       <task id="24" name="t411" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
   <task id="25" name="t5" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
   <task id="26" name="t6" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
   <task id="27" name="t7" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work">
     <task id="28" name="t71" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
     <task id="29" name="t72" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
   <task id="30" name="t8" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work"/>
   <task id="31" name="t9" note="" work="28800" start="20040331T000000Z" end="20040331T170000Z" percent-complete="0" type="normal" scheduling="fixed-work">
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