[Planner Dev] Cost computation - some test cases

Here are some cost computation sample. I'll try to make them test cases
when the Python binding will be available.

Test case 1

Resource R1: cost is 12.5 (100 per day)
Tasks T1: work is one day, R1 assigned 100%

Duration should be one day
Cost should be 100

Test case 2

Resource R1: cost is 12.5 (100 per day)
Tasks T1: work is one day, R1 assigned 50%

Duration should be 2 days
Cost should be 100

Test case 3

Resource R1: cost is 12.5 (100 per day)
Tasks T1: work is two day, R1 assigned 200%

Duration should be 1 days
Cost should be 200

Test case 4

Resource R1: cost is 12.5 (100 per day)
Resource R2: cost is 12.5 (100 per day)
Tasks T1: work is two day, R1 and R2 assigned 100%

Duration should be 1 days
Cost should be 200

Test case 5

Resource R1: cost is 12.5 (100 per day)
Resource R2: cost is 12.5 (100 per day)
Tasks T1: work is 3 day, R1 assigned 100%, R2 assigned 50%

Duration should be 2 days
Cost should be 300

Test case 6

Resource R1: cost is 12.5 (100 per day)
Resource R2: cost is 25 (100 per day)
Tasks T1: work is 3 day, R1 assigned 100%, R2 assigned 50%

Duration should be 2 days
Cost should be 400

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