Re: [Planner Dev] Prop. for new feat. - first patch

Don't know if that would help you out as I am definately not a native speaker, but I think that calling something "parasitic" in some way or the other is plainly wrong. When referring to a task that occurs due to initial mismanagement and wrong planning and wrong overall layout of the project's schedule, or simply by some unforeseen
circumstance or an additional, previously unthought of requirement.

In that, you will never embrace the additional task and will detect your own previous mismanagement and rather correct or improve on that. Calling the task parasitic in some way or the other, is like actually not wanting to do it anyway. So it could at best be left out of the schedule and become simply a sub-task of the task that is actually unmentioned
in the project's schedule.

The project should know of only tasks and various states of tasks rather than actually distinguish
between additional different types of tasks.

If a task is worthy enough to be put into the project's schedule, why not make it a sub-task of the other task from which it arises and for example add a comment or two describing the task's
duties and why the task emerged during processing of the other task.

Just my two cents,


Richard Hult wrote:


Matteo Nastasi wrote:

4. For the drawing parts, make sure that this still works for really
long tasks. All the odd-looking code we have there is because the 16-bit
limitation in X, so we need to be careful to not wrap around when
drawing long tasks (and when zooming in a lot).
My code not work correctly with your clipping method (You can try it using your method on the horizontal dashed border line of vampire task
and moving another window on it). I need an alternative method to clip
my graphical primitives.

Doesn't solve GDK this problem for us?

Theoretically it should. We can draw lines that are less then 2^16 long
anywhere in a 2^32 space. But it shouldn't be a problem since everything
should be clipped to the viewed area anyway. The current drawing code is
a bit "odd" to say the least. If you come up with a cleaner solution, I
would be happy to use that instead.

5. We need to come up with some other term than "vampire" in my opinion.
Any suggestions?
vlad task ? parassite task ?

I think parasite is pretty good. Any native english speakers here? :)



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