New release was requested with libgda3 patch in it

I was asked on IRC by Martin-Éric if we could make a new release. Here's
what he said:

13:30  Q-FUNK Howdy!
13:31  Q-FUNK I got your e-mail about the libgda3 patch.  it seems like
              a fairly extensive rewrite.
13:31  Q-FUNK I was wondering if you'd at least include existing trivial
              patches from all the distros and release it as 0.14.3 ?

As he was unavailable when I returned, I'm taking this to the list.

Hi Martin-Éric,

I was not planning a new release until after having processed the
critical bugs and the patches that I have had on my own computer for a
while. Kurt also mentioned some low-hanging fruit in bugzilla that
should not be ignored (trivial bugs including patches and such).

After working through that I was hoping to discuss the roadmap and get
some decisions on important stuff such as resource leveling, file format
changes, printing support, etc. This would make clear what exactly we
would put in 0.14.3, after which we could finish up and release it.

Now the reason that you asked for support for libgda3 was that some
distributions were going to drop support for older versions and that at
least Ubuntu was already in feature freeze mode. All you need from us
for this is the patch that I have recently completed. Moreover releasing
from svn HEAD would not be acceptable because it contains more than just 
bug fixes since 0.14.2.

What I don't understand is why you keep asking us to make a new release.
It requires a *very* good reason for us to rush a new release out the
door and simply not wanting to apply a patch does not qualify.

As far as trivial patches from all other distros are concerned, I have
not yet gone through lower-severity bugs in bugzilla, so I don't know if
those patches are in there. If they are not and you need them or want to
help, please collect and submit them.


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com

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