Re: Desktop Architects Meeting

On 4/10/07, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:
Le mardi 10 avril 2007, à 15:46, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> In June, there'll be a Desktop Architects Meeting [1] at the Googleplex.
> This is a quite important event, and we'll send some GNOME people there.
> In the past, Jeff (DAM 1), Elijah (DAM 3) and I (DAM 2) went to
> represent GNOME.
J5, Dave, and jrb were also at DAM 3, fwiw (and appear to be scheduled
to attend again, though focusing on representing D-Bus/wengo/RH like
last time).  That should at least help with continuity.

> The board would like the release team to propose one or two names of
> people who could attend this meeting (it's more about technical stuff
> than anything else, thus r-t makes sense). A good candidate should have
> some technical knowledge, but it's even more important to have a good
> knowledge of the community and of GNOME in general. It doesn't have to
> be people in the release team.
Two possibilities that spring to mind, if needed, are William Jon
McCann and Richard Hughes.

I forgot to specify it, but this was with my board hat on.

Now, without my board hat: I already talked with Elijah about this,
since continuity is an important factor. Elijah, do you know if you'll
be available? J5 also attended to a LSB meeting last year, so could do
some stuff there.
Sorry, I dropped this earlier.  I'll check into whether I can verify
I'll be available those days and get back to you later this week.


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