Re: Dark-Tab theme modifications

Janek Kozicki said:     (by the date of Thu, 2 Sep 2010 10:26:33 +0200)

> fuchur said:     (by the date of Wed, 1 Sep 2010 18:26:17 +0200)
> > sawfish-config -> Miscellaneous -> Stacking
> > When raising a window, also raise its: group
> It works! Thank you :-)

oops, no. It doesn't work. Because now also windows that aren't
tabbed together are also raised up, when clicking on one of them.

For example I have three opera windows. And several xterms. I click
on one opera window, and suddenly the other two opera windows go
above my xterms and cover them.

Janek Kozicki                       |

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