Re: [Patch] apps-menu filtering

Christopher Roy Bratusek <zanghar freenet de> writes:

> Am Sat, 11 Sep 2010 20:31:02 +0200
> schrieb Christopher Roy Bratusek <zanghar freenet de>:
>> I almost wee'd! I'm seriously going to check it out!
>> Chris
> from my .xsession-errors (ignore the line-numbers)
> 9468 Lisp backtrace:
> 9469 #12  string-match ...
> 9470 #11  string-split ...
> 9471 #10  split-desktop-entry ...
> 9472 #9   fdo-menu-entry ...
> 9473 #8   generate-apps-menu ...
> 9474 #7   update-apps-menu ...
> 9475 #6   run-byte-code ...
> 9476 #4   make-structure (() #<closure 19de8d8 @ user> #<closure 19de900 @ user> user)
> 9477 #2   load ...
> 9478 #1   run-byte-code ...
> 9479  
> 9480 error--> (bad-arg #<subr string-match> () 2)
> :/ Am I missing something?
> Using plain apps-menus without anything set or filtered.
> Chris

Hm, not that I know of, it seems to work fine here.  Just to make sure
you have the latest, here is the full apps-menu.jl, in case something
went funky with the patch. (it is also possible i sent a bad patch last
time, I was getting that error just before the last edits, so perhaps I
didn't save properly before making the patch.).

Attachment: apps-menu.jl
Description: apps-menu jl


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