Re: [Tracker] dbus api pre-release? :-D

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
2006/5/2, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk <mailto:jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>>:
    Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
     > I was wondering if it was possible to see the latest
     > tracker-introspect.xml..?

    The next release which I am testing currently and will release shortly
    (and upgrades to mysql 5) wont have an updated dbus API just yet.

    (so please update tracker deskbar to current api)

    However the planned Dbus APi for the version after next is attached.
    (note it is subject to change and does not yet include the common music
DB stuff yet)
I'm confused. The attached api is the same as the one in cvs. Is this 
the API of the comming release or the next-comming release (and then 
just having a pre-mature copy of the api in cvs)?
It applies to version after next (0.0.5) - the next cvs version is 0.0.4 so please use old one.

Mr Jamie McCracken

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