Re: [Tracker] Is it possible to query by a file's modified date?

On 04/10/12 18:15, Rich Lott wrote:
e.g. If I wanted to query for "event briefing" and I wanted to limit
by files modified between a certain date range.
Could that be done with tracker's SPARQL?
Sorry, think I've figured it!

tracker-sparql -q '
     SELECT ?d ?url
     WHERE { ?f nfo:fileLastModified ?d .
             FILTER ( ?d > "2010-02-03T00:00:00Z" ) .
             ?f nie:url ?url .
             ?f fts:match "event briefing"  } ';

(I'm new to SPARQL so do let me know if this is wrong, though!)

Thanks and sorry for clogging your inboxes!


Rich Lott
IT Manager
People & Planet
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