Re: [Tracker] It doesn't index PHP files

On 04/10/12 16:58, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Thu, 2012-10-04 at 16:40 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:
On 04/10/12 14:50, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Thu, 2012-10-04 at 14:37 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:
What does tracker-extract report when you run it now?
    Using /usr/lib64/tracker-0.14/extract-modules/
    Starting to read
'file:///home/awilliam/Documents/Development/PHP/jsonRPCClient.php' up
to 1048576 bytes...
    Read 3977 bytes from file, 1044599 bytes remaining until configured
threshold is reached
Done (2 items)
SPARQL item:
   a nfo:PlainTextDocument ;
         nie:plainTextContent "<?php\n/*\ ......
And the word you're searching for is in that block of text?
grep Vaccaro /home/awilliam/Documents/Development/PHP/jsonRPCClient.php
Copyright 2007 Sergio Vaccaro <sergio inservibile org>

You could also use:
    tracker-sparql -q "select ?urn nie:url(?urn)
nie:plainTextContent(?urn) where { ?urn a nfo:FileDataObject ; fts:match
'Vaccaro' }"
It *should* return the URL of the file you expect it to be in. If it
doesn't either:
a) the file wasn't indexed yet properly.
b) FTS didn't work as expected on that file.
I would guess at this stage the former is the case (a).
tracker-sparql -q "select ?urn nie:url(?urn) nie:plainTextContent(?urn)
where { ?urn a nfo:FileDataObject ; fts:match 'Vaccaro' }"
It sounds like the file is either:

a) not indexed due to config/rules
b) not been reindexed since the extractor rules changed (changing and running tracker-extract doesn't add it to the DB, it just tells you what we get from extracting on a per file basis).
You can re-extract with:

tracker-control -f /home/awilliam/Documents/Development/PHP/jsonRPCClient.php
I am assuming that path is covered in the tracker-preferences right?


Founder and CEO of Lanedo GmbH.

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