Re: [Usability]application crititque

On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 06:47, Luciano Chavez wrote:
> Hello,
> A while ago, I asked for some constructive criticism of a GTK
> application I am developing. I never got any takers.
> I've taken the liberty of placing twenty-four screenshots along with
> some short descriptions of the application on our home page in case this
> will provide a little incentive to look at it. See
> You may recognize some of the icons used. Don't be fooled, the app is
> written to the GTK 1.2 API but I borrowed some of the stock icons from
> GTK 2.0 to give it a nicer look.
> I would appreciate any feedback from y'all.

Some shading (cf. Evolution) in the table view would be nice. It's
wide enough that it gets hard to see which checkbox over on the
far right goes with which entry.

Unfortunately, I don't do enough complicated storage management to
give you much feedback. (I will say, though, that a tool like this
might tempt me to start. :))

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