Re: [Usability]application crititque

On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 11:07, David Moles wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 06:47, Luciano Chavez wrote:
> Some shading (cf. Evolution) in the table view would be nice. It's
> wide enough that it gets hard to see which checkbox over on the
> far right goes with which entry.

Thanks. These are the sort of good suggestions I was looking for. I've
added it to my to-do list.

> Unfortunately, I don't do enough complicated storage management to
> give you much feedback. (I will say, though, that a tool like this
> might tempt me to start. :))

"Join me, Luke! You have no idea the power of the dark side!" :)

I should have pointed out that the target audience are really IT
professionals and admin types although I want to add a "novice" mode
that simplifies choices and hides some more "advanced" info like disk


Luciano Chavez

lnx1138 us ibm com 

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