Re: [Fwd: Re: [Usability]Re: Keyboard shortcuts (was Re: PATCH: bug 76293 and bug 48317)]

ons 2002-05-01 klockan 09.43 skrev Patrick:
>  >Yes, there is no Alt+Up shortcut in other applications, but what I'm
> My friend, I was just browsing the list, and saw the reference to Alt-Up.
> On my GNOME desktop 1.4 on mdk 8.2, Alt-Down sends a window to the
> back...without stealing keyboard input. *Alt-Up* will bring it back.
> This setting may be Mandrake set, otherwise they are GNOME default and
> cannot be used for nautils.

It seems it is only Mandrake. At least, I couldn't reproduce it on a Red
Hat Linux Skipjack beta system. I think we still can use the Alt+Arrow
keys. It would be an entirely different situation if this was an
existing GNOME or Sawfish default.


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