[Usability]Gnome file dialogs

Hi peoples,

I've incorporated some of the latest suggestions.
        * Advanced options are now changed into a "Show Searchbar"
          button. Not sure about the search part yet :).
        * The dialogs are do now look more alike. Moved the
          openfile-dialog part up to the same level as savefile-dialog.
          There was no obvious reason for making it look different. 
        * Savedialog does not hide file-system. I personally like it
          better that way. Prevents me from feeling blind sighted, and
          making mistakes. As well as making the "Show Searchbar" button
          work consistent on both dialogs.
        * Accepting open or save is now done by a simple press of enter.

Take a look at the new "Purple sunrise" release.


I'm looking for someone who would like to take the architectural work
under his/her wings. As I'm currently not capable enough to do this. If
someone is willing to give it a go, make my day :). 

Wish list:
        * API to make the dialogs simple to use for applications.
        * Nautilus views implementation. Building on the code already
          available form that project.
        * Implementing openfile-dialog search capabilities. Emblem
          search, file filtering and search. Grep/word in file
          capabilities. It does not hurt to be able to do things
          multiple ways :).
        * File completion and resent file and directory drop down boxen.
Ok that is about it,

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