Re: [Usability]Gnome file dialogs

The work looks great... I love looking at the dialogs you're designing
as they evolve...

I too am very confused by the term "Searchbar" given what seems to
appear upon clicking it... Given the back, forward, and up buttons with
the location textfield, the "Search" dropdown doesn't seem to serve any
purpose whatsoever... I'm sure it does in your mind, but whatever
purpose that is eludes me... Searchbar to me would imply that you can
search your filetree for some string...

I am in favor of keeping the Emblem dropdown... it's a feature of
Nautilus that is seldom used but only because it's not integrated
anywhere else in GNOME... you would have to do the majority of your file
management in Nautilus to even consider using it, and I don't think most
of us do because it still needs some work... I think if we integrate the
feature across all of GNOME it will become something people use and
something distinctive about GNOME...

I'm also unclear on some behavior... So let's say I select Home from the
dropdown menu and the file listing below lists the folders and files in
my home directory... then I select one of the subfolders... I am no
longer in my Home directory, but is the dropdown still going to indicate
such? Am I not going to be able to see my pwd unless I've got the
searchbar active?

And I'd just like to state I'm in favor of having a simple "New Folder"
button in the save dialog... oftentimes I don't decide I want to put
something into a new folder until after I've opened the dialog, and it
would keep me from having to open up a terminal or Nautilus just to
create it...

Thanks for all your work!


Joshua Adam Ginsberg	       Cellphone: 713.478.1769
Rice University '02	       Email: joshg myrealbox com
St. Mark's School of Texas '98
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a 
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor 
safety." - Benjamin Franklin

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