Re: [Usability] Icon selector, 2nd mockup

On Mon, 2003-12-01 at 22:31, Stefan Ihringer wrote:
> Hello,
> I've done another mockup:
> I've tried a tabbed interface and the icon area is much larger now. 
> The titles are taken from my previous mail and are still just a 
> suggestion.

I like the tabbed interface, except that some icon themes have extra
catagories, and these catagories might change/increase in the future.

> I haven't thought about the "custom icon" tab either, but 
> that's where the file chooser and maybe some additional options would 
> be located.

It could be like the other tabs except it would be a bit more like what
we have currently. It would have a location field that would contain the
folder currently being browsed.

Mark Finlay 
Computer Science Student

E-Mail:	sisob_AT_tuxfamily_DOT_org
Jabber:	sisob_AT_jabber_DOT_org

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