Hello list, I have a pattern I commonly use in C which I've so far failed to translate to an equivalent Vala or indeed OO equivalent. I was hoping that those more used to thinking in such terms would be able to point me in the right direction. Attached is a C file which (dumbly) parses a config file with entries of the format: key=value Where a given key is uniquely associated with a particular type of data (string, int etc...) My aim is to parse the config file data into appropriately typed variables, but to do so using a table based lookup on the key to find the appropriate function to parse the data and the address of the location to place the data. Hopefully the C is clear enough, I apologise for posting C to this list, but I'm not confident enough of my terminology to communicate the ideas in Vala. I'm looking to produce a Vala class which is able to parse <some text data> into it's own member variables, based on a table lookup. The important bit for me isn't the parsing, it's the lookup from key to parse function and destination for the data. Suggestions gratefully received! Many thanks, Chris.
Description: Text document
Description: Text Data