2012-March Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Re: [Vala] Vala and Redis (and others NoSQL),
Manav Saxena
[Vala] problem in building vala with jhbuild,
Anna Zacchi
[Vala] cannot convert to a pointer type error when passing Gdk.MotionEvent,
[Vala] Using LibTIFF (Undefined Reference TIFFOpen and TIFFClose),
Tim Way
[Vala] vapigen and Autotools problem,
Alejandro T. Colombini
[Vala] Asynchronous construction,
[Vala] CCode finish_function,
[Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.16.0 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
Jürg Billeter
[Vala] How to deal with "target" attribute in VAPI for C struct?,
marcin saepia net
[Vala] remote control library in Vala?,
Brian Duffy
[Vala] What is (instance_pos = -1) in vala,
Vishal Pawale
[Vala] poppler and gtk3,
Re: [Vala] [PATCH] enum: foreach capability,
Sebastian Reichel
[Vala] Code Example on Vala Home Page,
Brian Duffy
[Vala] Bus Message Structure,
Brian Duffy
[Vala] SQLHeavy memory leak?,
[Vala] Porting "Using PocketSphinx with GStreamer and python" to Vala,
Brian Duffy
[Vala] Is there any way to deserialize something into object in vala?,
marcin saepia net
[Vala] undefined reference to 'SDL_Init' and/or 'WinMain 16' (under Windows),
[Vala] Boxed type generics,
Stephan Hilb
[Vala] c#/mono to vala converter,
[Vala] (no subject),
calpas calpas
[Vala] [valadoc][patch] Recognize namespace comments,
Florian Will
[Vala] libsoup serves only one request at a time,
Edwin DLCA
[Vala] Crashes after moving a vala application from a 32-bit system to a 64-bit system,
[Vala] jSON parser,
Luis L. RodrÃguez Oro
Re: [Vala] How to refer current class in class method like "this" in instance method?,
Derek Dai
[Vala] How to refer current class in class method like "this" in instance method?,
Derek Dai
[Vala] regarding GLib.Process.spawn_async_with_pipes,
D.H. Bahr
[Vala] GLib.TypeModule with static construct/destruct example,
Derek Dai
[Vala] Why [].resize expects int?,
marcin saepia net
[Vala] Google Summer of Code,
[Vala] vala + policykit,
D.H. Bahr
[Vala] calling the parent constructor.,
Rodrigo Herefeld
[Vala] Is there a Linux distribution in which vtg (vala tools for gedit) works out-of the box ?,
Serge Hulne
[Vala] Class finalizer,
Derek Dai
[Vala] DBus server-side codegen,
Eric Gregory
[Vala] Escape string for use in sqlite,
Rodrigo Herefeld
[Vala] Why TlsCertificate is abstract class in 0.15.2?,
marcin saepia net
[Vala] compiler segfault,
Luca Dionisi
[Vala] GStreamer signal connection in Vala,
[Vala] Help me find the right Vala idiom,
Chris Elston
[Vala] Generate the .vapi for libmodbus,
David López González
Re: [Vala] Thread error 'assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast',
Luca Bruno
[Vala] Avant Window Navigator,
Dimitri Jakov
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