RE: [xml] does libxml support namespace completely?

As is clearly stated on libxml does support namespaces
The issue on namespaces in xpath has just been discussed (first mail of the
thread was a single day before your first mail to this list).
libxmls handling of those is just as required by the specification.

-----Original Message-----
From: warmice [mailto:news_list sina com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:00 AM
To: xml gnome org
Subject: [xml] does libxml support namespace completely?

hi there!
i have a question about the namespace! now i use the libxml 
process a xml file with the
namespace, but it can't work well.
my xml file is:

<root xmlns="http://myserver/aa.xsd>

i invoke the xmlGetPath(ptr),the ptr is the node pointer to 
the <dd>,and the returen is
but when i invoke the xpath api to fetch the node pointer 
with above path,it return the null.
who can tell me why? and if the libxml can't support the 
namespace completely.

i have read the archive. i find a mail told me don't use the 
namespace at best.
but i have to use it, who can give me a solution?

xml mailing list, project page
xml gnome org

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