2002-October Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[no subject],
[xml] XSD schemas support in libxml2,
Grushinskiy, Mikhail, ALVAP
[xml] xmlLoadCatalogs behaviour,
Igor Zlatkovic
[xml] Windows Threads Revisited - Patch,
Igor Zlatkovic
[xml] installation problem,
Hulya Gurer
[xml] Windows Threads Revisited,
Igor Zlatkovic
[xml] Correction for Tutorial Code,
niraj tolia
[xml] re:[xml][no subject],
Re: [xml] re:[xml][no subject],
Igor Zlatkovic
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [xml] re:[xml][no subject],
[xml] iso-8859-1 problem,
[xml] (no subject),
[xml] does libxml support namespace completely?,
[xml] xpath question: parsing or create elements with an expression,
Torsten Grundmann
[xml] Farewell to the xmlwin32version,
Igor Zlatkovic
[xml] cannot find -lxml, urgent!,
Ivone Uribe
[xml] Namespace bug in xmlReconciliateNs(),
Brian Stafford
[xml] Parsing URL,
Marco Spinetti
[xml] problem (bug?) with xmlNewChild(),
Christian Glahn
[xml] Broken Link: http://www.xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-list.html,
Steve Williams
[xml] occurrences on elements & sequences,
Charles Bozeman
[xml] cvs version and xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover(),
Christian Glahn
RE: [xml] who can tell me, why don't we use the xerces to parse t he xml?,
Labib Iskander, Marcus
[xml] License confusion,
uttam rao
[xml] who can tell me, why don't we use the xerces to parse the xml?,
[xml] about the xmllib's shema,
[xml] SAX parser cannot handle UTF-8 characters below 0x20 except tab a nd linefeed,
Steinborn Thomas
[xml] libxml on MVS,
Job Hart
[xml] Windows build problem,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] LRE stylesheets in libxslt,
Christian Stocker
[xml] unresolved .fpclassify under AIX,
[xml] when to call initGenericErrorDefaultFunc(),
Stefan Kost
[xml] Namespace problem after upgrade to libxml2-2.4.26,
Ivens Porto
[xml] xml2-config,
[xml] How to use xmlIOParseDTD ?,
Martin Quinson
[xml] Regression failures with libxml2-2.4.26,
Chris Rankin
[xml] release of libxml-2.4.26,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] search a node in a tree,
[xml] Defaults for #PCDATA elements,
Roland Hermans
[xml] cdata sections,
[xml] bug in pushparser implementation,
Christian Glahn
[xml] xmlNewDocProp() doesn't appear to do anything...,
Sean Chittenden
[xml] undefined reference,
[xml] another newbie question,
Sun, Lei
[xml] xmllint and namespaces,
Stefan Kost
[xml] newbie question.,
Sun, Lei
[xml] Small schema request...,
Jeff Goff
[xml] python binding for xmlCatalogAddLocal() ?,
Brent Hendricks
[xml] Core dump in DTD validate code in libxml2 2.4.25,
Joe Marcus Clarke
[xml] Search engine is complete,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] xmlShell usage on non-stdout,
Vakoc, Mark
[xml] Status on Python Schemas support?,
Bill Eldridge
[xml] patch for xmlNodeGetPath(),
Vakoc, Mark
[xml] [PATCH 2.4.25] VMS build update,
Craig A. Berry
[xml] libxml2 add <p> tag,
Manuel Guesdon
[xml] Translation of manual for 'xmllint' in Russian,
Vitaly Ostanin
[xml] typo in valid.c,
Christian Glahn
[xml] Lists in XML_CATALOG_FILES,
Igor Zlatkovic
AW: AW: [xml] extremely long xslt transformation times,
Steinborn Thomas
[xml] unable to build 32-bit libxml2 (Makefile problem?),
Alan Mizrahi
[xml] xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique:out of memory ?,
Jasmit Singh
[xml] Windows: relative paths on the command-line,
Igor Zlatkovic
[xml] Interrupted sax-based parsing,
christophe dore
[xml] Search engine for the XSLT API,
Daniel Veillard
RE: [xml] Windows build,
Eric . Zurcher
Re: [xml] Re: [xslt] Windows build,
Elizabeth Barham
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