Re: [xml] (no subject)

On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 02:42:20PM +0100, Peter Jacobi wrote:
Hi Daniel,

  I am doomed to answer on my free time to users who just don't want
  to spend the time to read the documentation ??? 
Perhaps the "welcome" message to the mailing list should contain the UTF-8 
  Honnestly, I don't know how to get people to behave in a less
egoist fashion. Everybody wants its question answered now and
without having the hassles of looking for the answers or reading
what's available. I'm afraid of having valuable contributors be
burnt out by this, I'm afraid of getting burnt out myself. Should
I hide the address of the list (or make it available only at the
end of a search query answer) ?
  I honnestly don't know what to do. The two mail received today
were both complete FAQ, covered in the recent weeks, the XPath
question is actually simply due to the fact that people don't even
try to understand the XPath specification because libxml2 behaviour
directly derives from the spec normative text.

  That's simply depressing :-(


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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