server update

I just ordered RAM for my machine, which should be here around the end
of next week. All my stuff (the Lampadas demo site and LDPDB, docbook
processor and various other bits) will be back up then. Sorry for the

I also have good news. Well, good for me but bad for Lampadas. I
finally got a job today, and I'm starting Monday. This means Lampadas
development is going to slow way the hell down. I'll go from 12-14
hours a day to 3-4 hours a day of time to work on it. Them's the
breaks. :-)

And I will be working on open source stuff, and getting paid for it.
First task as I understand it will be some patches for SquirrelMail.
Fun, fun!

David C. Merrill               
Linux Documentation Project                   david lupercalia net
Lead Developer                       

Under the full moon light we dance
Spirits dance, we dance
Joining hands, we dance
Joining souls rejoice!
		-- Karen Beth

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