Re: Will Gnome _EVER_ be stable?

I was wandering in my abandoned Gnome folder and...

On 13 March 2002 21:38, stan wrote:
> "Just Wait For The New Version" Is the same answer  I got about 3 to 4
> yeasr agao, when this was routienley hapening :-(
> Sorry folks, thats not a aceptable answer, inless we wish to follow the
> lead of out favorite software monoply.
> NTW, this is  also ahpening routinely on my FreeBSD machines.. And I
> don't have any very exoitic configs, just a _lot_ of them to set back up
> every thime.

Stan, you even can't bother yourself with clean typing. How many typos
are here? A dozen!

No wonder you want Gnome developers to fix Gnome bugs but don't bother 
yourself to collect necessary data for useful report.

For people of this type I suggest installing Windows. Or change your type.

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