Re: Control Center Behavior

On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 14:21, snickell stanford edu wrote:
> > Another idea would be to not install said .directory files, or
> > replace the 
> > icons in them with ones that look like directories, instead of
> > hacking up 
> > the code to ignore them.
> Having icons that look like folders isn't a good solution since it will
> not match the current theme.
> The reason that we don't just remove the icon specification from the
> .directory file is that the panel needs to read from this scheme too,
> and the panel "sub-directories" should have icons (since the arrow is
> already used to specify that it is a "directory" not a "file").
> But I think that the general case behavior for setting images on folders
> in Nautilus should probably be that it works as an emblem. Having
> folders that don't look like folders can be cute (I have some myself),
> but I think its a lot better for usability if people can consistently
> expect to tell which items are folders.
> -Seth

It is definately better, yes. I know I personally noticed immediately
the trepidation about the "will this try to fire up something else or
just go into a subfolder" question when I first tried the nautilus view.

Greg Merchan had an interesting idea about creating a "template" image
which would appear behind the actual prefs icon, similar to the Mac.

I would just like to see a "folder" emblem (using the current theme's
folder) or the stock preferences image, depending on whether it's a
folder or a prefs item.


    Jim Cape

    "No cause, no God, no abstract idea can justify the mass
     slaughter of innocents."
        -- Edward Said

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