2.0.0/2.0.1 milestones

So, guys, gals... there has been some lack of clarity on the GNOME2.0.0 and
GNOME2.0.1 keywords. With the blessing of release team, I'm taking over :)
no one else should be using these keywords. 

The 'rules':
    I'm now formally appointed 2.0.x bug referee, with the release team
    able to veto me. If someone wants to nominate a bug for 2.0.[*], they
    email me, if I think it is reasonable I add or remove the keyword as
    appropriate, and if not, they can appeal to release team.
Suggestions for other people who want to track bugs:

        * If you are a maintainer, and want to target things yourself
          for 2.0.[*], please ask me, and I'll create whatever regular
          milestones you want. Just don't override mine- the goal of
          mine are 'we can't ship 2.0.__ without these' while normal
          milestones should be for whatever your own personal goals are-
          i.e., 'I'd like to fix this by 2.0.__'. Of course, if you see
          a bug that you think should block the community release, but
          doesn't, please email me and the release team.
        * if you are involved with a11y, i18n, or some other project
          which has not typically had their bugs nominated for blocker,
          I strongly suggest the use of tracking bugs to track the most
          important and severe bugs with which your group is involved.
          For more details on tracking bugs and how your team can best
          use them, see bug
          http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81681 or email me.

I hope this clarifies things-

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