Re: Awesome new Mozilla roadmap!

On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 10:54:42PM +0400, Vadim Plessky wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 April 2003 11:30, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> |  We won't replace libxslt dependency with another dependency and Qt
> |  is not going to include XSLT support any time soon (it doesn't really make
> |  sense in a toolkit anyway).
> well, it *could* being changed recently, but that indeed was a plan.
> I personally do not have any problem with libxml2.

  Searching to "Vadim Plessky" on google doesn't seems to link to
much code, but on the first page returned it links to  librsvg-devel
bug reports, pointing to a post from you 
   " is libxml2-2.5.x really required for librsvg?"
where you ask to use expat instead.

  Either you're really confused, or you changed your mind, or you're just
trying to generate noise. I think you simply don't understand that expat
covers probably less than 10% of libxml2 functionalities, you simply can't
replace libxml2 by expat in general, unless using only the (very broken,
very limited and very old) old SAX v1 like API which is common to both.
I suggest you don't start trying to resort to your usual tactic of
unproved allegations when it comes to XML if discussing with me. Don't
even try either to speak on standard conformance without pointing to 
interoperability test results.

  So far you have proved you could make a lot of noise, not backing 
up blatantly inflamatory discourse by facts, and generally spreading FUD.
Could you please get back to a normal behaviour, I really hate having to
use procmail rules as a reaction to people behaviour on mailing-lists,
but I think that will be my next step.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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