Re: Killing views [Was: Dealing with files in Gnome]

On Thursday 10 April 2003 12:52, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> > I know what SQL is and I haven't written that it is a protocol. Please
> > read what I wrote. I only mentioned that you can set up an SQL server and
> > have it accessed through the network and that it makes indeed sense to
> > access it that way. It makes more sense to have something like sql://
> > rather than burn:// or applications://.
> it might make sense, although I think it would make much more sense if
> it wasn't a web page, but a list of folders for each database and files
> on them representing the tables/views of each database, which, when
> clicked, opened a special viewer for viewing the structure and data of
> those tables/views.
> I'm not sure this makes a lot of sense though, but it makes more sense
> than having a web page, IMO.

Not at all, this doesn't make any sense for me. Say I enter 
sql://<name>:<pw>@<whatever>:<port> as URI in the locationbar of whatever 
application then it makes a lot of sense to get a query analyzer where i can 
make quick changes in the database or selects and get them output as Webpage 
or Textfile rather than diving into subdirs.

Think you want a sort output of some selected values within certain tables 
then it makes more sense to do this that way rather than getting subdirs. Say 
you deal with large chunks of data from people (simple addressbook) then it's 
easier getting the whole output listed in a Webpage where you see all 
important data within seconds than diving into subdirs and do cumbersome 
operations with folders. I think the way the KDE SQL IOSlave does the work is 
the most productive and most intuitive way of dealing with quick data 

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