Re: CrackPipe [was: Re: Legacy apps and themes]

Quoting Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org>:

> <quote who="Andrew Sobala">
> > Looking at, and the
> > real thing, it doesn't look so dissimilar to our own capplets. I don't
> > know what you are envisaging.
> Oh, I forgot about the later versions of CoG... No idea where that's gone
> though.

I am still actively developing it. It has been a while since the last release,
but rest assured I am still working on it. The latest version has support for
changing what appears in the main (foot) menu, as well as many Galeon settings.

If anyone has any ideas for some nice settings to include simply drop me a mail,
and I will get right on it :-)

I encourage everyone to check it out, and give me lots of feedback...

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