Re: Interface Stability in GNOME

Havoc Pennington wrote:

On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 16:37 +0000, Ghee Teo wrote:
If this is the reality of the situations they should be classified as Unstable even though they are on the developer platform. The ISVs use these at their own risks.
   There is no point in hiding the risks from t
hem where trusts need to be built.
I certainly agree, for ISVs there are only two categories, use it or
don't use it...

   I guess one thing that Brian and other ARC members tasks can do is to
classify which libraries are Stable/Evolving/Unstable/Private (where Sun
has lots of experience on) and allow developers and ISVs to *clearly* see
the classification before committing to development. This at least allows
the ISVs to make a more informed choice if they have to.



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