Re: GNOME 2.10 module proposal: Galago

On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 08:03:24PM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Nat Friedman">
> > > Is it worth being part of the GNOME release, then? Perhaps only the
> > > GNOME specific modules should be?
> > 
> > To me the issue is whether GNOME can depend on Galago.  I think the only
> > official/explicit way we have to add an external dependency like that is
> Weeeeeeell, we do depend on a bunch of stuff outside GNOME in the Desktop
> release, such as Mozilla. But we can only do so because we don't rely on
> API/ABI stability, or their release cycles, etc. (Epiphany works with so
> many versions of Mozilla/Firefox it's not funny.)
> Do we want Galago in the GNOME Platform suite? Then it'll need to be in the
> Desktop suite for a while first.
> Will the non-GNOME parts of Galago be in the Platform? Once
> we trust the Platform release process, we can depend on it
> instead of bringing Galago into the GNOME release cycle.

I will be proposing it for the fd.o platform.

What are the situations with hal and d-bus? Are these in the GNOME
desktop suite, or fd.o platform?

I think Galago has a lot of value in several applications. I would
like to see it in a position where GNOME apps can depend on it and
expect it to be there.

What would be the best way to go about doing this in your mind? I'm
still rather new to the release processes and stuff.


Christian Hammond         <>  The Galago Project
chipx86 gnupdate org      <>
   Weiler's Law:
     Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself.

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