Re: How we make decisions... [Fwd: Re: Proposal: replacing esound with polypaudio in 2.10]

<quote who="Sri Ramkrishna">

> What we're looking for is a pragmatic approach to technology.  We tend to
> get bogged down by details (eg does it work for non MMU? etc etc) of
> either the implementation or what?

For a complex software stack such as GNOME, with lots of users and vendors
relying on it, the details matter. If we don't pay attention to the details
before making decisions, we end up with things like vte and bonobo. Ahem.

Yes, the bar is higher than it used to be, but hopefully current and future
contributors aspire to those heights. In this case, Lennart is kicking butt
on polypaudio to get it in - and that's great! :-)

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
       "The worst vice is ad-vice." - Al Pacino, The Devil's Advocate

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