Re: How we make decisions... [Fwd: Re: Proposal: replacing esound with polypaudio in 2.10]

On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 18:37 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Sri Ramkrishna">
> > What we're looking for is a pragmatic approach to technology.  We tend to
> > get bogged down by details (eg does it work for non MMU? etc etc) of
> > either the implementation or what?
> For a complex software stack such as GNOME, with lots of users and vendors
> relying on it, the details matter. If we don't pay attention to the details
> before making decisions, we end up with things like vte and bonobo. Ahem.

Not to nitpick, but I think vte is a bad example. It has its issues but
they are not as bad as the ones zvt had. (And it isn't even that slow
anymore thanks to Soeren - though whether that patch made it to cvs I
don't know ;-))

Yes, I know it's not actively maintained. But it's conceivably
maintainable code-wise, and remember that zvt wasn't actively maintained


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