Re: Polypaudio for Gnome 2.10, the next steps

Hi All,

These are my feelings exactly, people always get sidetracked with side
issues (e.g. we should fix ALSA) but we have to realise that no one is
working on/fixing that stuff, polypaudio is here now, it works very well
(I've been using it for a few weeks, had no dramas) and we should look
at whether to adopt that to repalce esound or not, not whether theres
some option now, because the author of polypaudio has done a very good
job at writing this software, is very actively fixing it and open to

I'd be far more happier with someone who likes like a good maintainer,
open to ideas, takes patches, activately works on it, than some project
that obviously is not being actively developed (i.e. the alsa mixing
stuff) and doesn't have anyone as active as the author in this case.

In summary: I feel we should adopt it for GNOME 2.10, as long as it
complies with all the policies needed for that (and if it doesn't, the
author seems more than willing to fix the remaining issues).

My 2c.


> My summary of the discussion so far is that there seem to be 2 options:
> 1. Scrap esound and replace it with ALSA + a few bits.
> Some people feel this is the way it "ought" to be done.  However, there 
> are problems with what appear to be bugs in alsalib, and new code would 
> need to be written to deal with sound cards that don't do mixing, and 
> remote desktops.
> 2. Replace esound with polypaudio.
> People seem to agree that the work put in by Lennart makes this an 
> attractive prospect if gnome is going to have a sound server.
> My personal take: option 1 sounds like a longer-term plan, if people 
> reach a consensus on it.  One way to help make that decision might be to 
> try out polypaudio and see how it works in practice - maybe there won't 
> be any itches to scratch when it's in place...
> Andy
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