Re: Objections [Was: GNOME System Monitor will use libgnomesu]

<quote who="Hongli Lai">

> In other words, nothing will be done - yet again.

For 2.10, sure, but it gives us a pretty clear goal for 2.12, and there are
a lot of people who want to solve this properly.

> What's wrong with using libgnomesu now so users at least have something
> that works better than the current procman password dialog, and then
> replacing libgnomesu with something better, when that "something better"
> has actually been written?

That means we add a library that we don't want for features in one small
Desktop program, which we and our distributors have to support for 2.10 but
remove again in (hopefully) 2.12. That's a lot of work for very little
benefit - reality check: it's just *procman*, dude. :-)

- Jeff

GUADEC 2005: Stuttgart, Germany            
   "The beanbag is a triumph of modern day eclectic colourism..." - Catie

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