Re: Modifying GNOME-About to count users

<quote who="Dan Winship">

> > Yes, this is basically what the FoG idea at the end of my mail boils
> > down to, and precisely what the gnome-about form could offer. "Love
> > GNOME? Join the Friends of GNOME gang!"
> Real users won't understand the difference between GNOME and their Linux
> distro as a whole. How would they? If you can see the lines between GNOME
> and everything else, that means the distro/sysadmin did a shitty job of
> integration (and the user is likely to hate GNOME because of it).

Sure, and that's why basically everything but gnome-about is going to be
doubly icky in some way. If we somehow convince ourselves this is not
appropriate in gnome-about, it's not going to be appropriate anywhere, and
we should just give up. But that's pissweak. :-)

- Jeff

GNOME Summit 2005: October 8th-10th
    "So: Stop selling software. Give it away. Work out some other way to
   make money, because pretending it's not replicable is not it. Profit."
                               - Martin Pool

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