Re: gnome-themes and licensing

Josselin Mouette wrote:
Le samedi 15 avril 2006 à 13:16 +0100, Thomas Wood a écrit :
Personally, I think it's understandable that artists may choose not to distribute their work under the (L)GPL, which is primarily a license for software. As long as the license they choose upholds the values of Free Software, I don't see it as a problem. However, I know there have been various lengthy discussions elsewhere about the status of the Creative Commons licenses, so I would like to have some advice before continuing.
I think I would ask those people to wait for the 3.0 version of the
Creative Commons licenses, which promise to solve a number of small
issues[1] that were raised with 2.0 and which are still present in 2.5.
Do you happen to know if there is any time scale for 3.0? I'd really 
like to get started on revamping gnome-themes, but I can't do it unless 
I can distribute the themes under a more appropriate license. If it's 
likely that a 3.0 CC license is not going to be available before 2.16, 
are there any other licenses that might be suitable to meet the needs of 
artists and distributors such as Debian?

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