Re: Mono/GTK#/Tomboy

Ben Maurer wrote:

>> And while there were almost no objections to Python, there are
>> clearly many objections to Mono.
> What objections? So far, the only two objections I've heard are:

  Obviously, there are many.

> 1. Performance
> 2. Vague references

  You exposed your point of view. You did not show that the people who
  are concerned is wrong.  The problems remain the same.

> Further, the objections mentioned all seem to apply equaly to python
> and mono. Python is allowed for desktop apps already. If nobody can
> come up with objections to mono that don't apply equally to python,
> it would seem that mono and python should be on equal footing.

  My opinion: the Python adoption was a mistake. In any case, it's too
  late for that, so let's stop worrying about Python.

  BTW, that "if Python did, Mono should do as well" doesn't make
  sense.  Will we do the same with Java? anc C++? and ObjectiveC? Ada?

  How many languages and extra platforms do we need to keep everyone

Greetings, alo.

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