Re: Desktop Session Presence Manager

Well, first of all, it's "Galago" and not "Galaga" ;) Common mistake, oddly enough.

There is work being done to let you tell Galago that you want to be marked as Away or whatever and have it update the feeds. This isn't in a released version yet because there's some work being done in other projects that may change how Galago represents the "me" version, and I'm holding off until we make some decisions about this. However, I'd suggest trying not to duplicate the wheel (especially when the wheel is already being used out in the wild, such as on the Nokia 770). It would be better to work on existing infrastructure.

There is a concept of local presence. All apps have to do is listen for when the "me" person's presence changes and handle it. That could mean setting away, or slowing down the ticker. Whatever.


On 1/23/07, Brian Nitz <Brian Nitz sun com> wrote:
Galaga does seem to have what it takes, but if it doesn't quite meet
Alex's needs, I'd suggest extending Galaga rather than reinventing the
wheel.  I looked at Galaga a few months ago when I was considering how
to notify IM applications and other desktop applications that "I'm not
here" so that, for example on thin clients:

   When I pull my smart card out, I'd like GAIM to mark me as "Away"
   When I pull my smart card out, I'd like GNOME stock ticker and other
screen update applications to slow their refresh rate or otherwise
reduce their resource and network bandwidth usage.

For this I think there needs to be an interface to indicate local
presence which doesn't rely on any instant messaging client running.
Could Galaga be made to read a /desktop/gnome/presence gconf key if no
IM client is running?  Or would it be better to makd the
/desktop/gnome/presence gconf key the focal point for presence and have
Galaga write to that?

Ross Burton wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-01-23 at 12:38 +0000, Alex Jones wrote:
>> But that presence is backed by Gaim, right? So that leaves it up to Gaim
>> to dictate session user presence, based on some IM account. This isn't a
>> good idea IMO - Gaim isn't what I'd consider to be a desktop service!
>> This idea sits underneath Gaim, or whatever app you wish to choose that
>> might be interested in *real* session user presence, as in the actual
>> presence of a user at the computer seat.
> No, there is a gaim feed, but there is also a telepathy feed, and a
> gossip feed.  The point of Galago was to abstract the presence and
> rosters, not to be a front-end to gaim.
> Ross
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