Re: strawman (Was Re: build systems)

<quote who="David Zeuthen">

> So the proposal here would be to roll our own build system that is highly
> optimized only for GNOME/GTK+ applications. Thoughts?

There's a bunch of existing work out there that we could build on, but I
think this is a very worthwhile thought experiment, so I hope no one shuts
it down too quickly. :-)

What I would love to see is further work on cross-platform deployment --
there is some cool work going on wrt building GNOME stuff on Windows, and
I'd hope this is not ignored while we research cool new build tools.

It would be great to release a suite of GNOME apps for Windows (maybe even
OS X) along with our tarballs every six months -- to grow our audience and
potential developer pool -- with the least amount of work possible. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
  "Whoever wrote [the Twisted documentation] uses a vivid and interesting
         style of prose which triggers pleasure." - Francois Pinard

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