Re: External Deps: Minimal Python dependency

2008/7/23 Sebastian Pölsterl <marduk k-d-w org>:
> Vincent Untz schrieb:
>> Le mardi 22 juillet 2008, à 17:56 +0200, Sebastian Pölsterl a écrit :
>>> Hi!
>>> As mentioned in [1] sqlite is a blessed external dependency now. I want
>>>  to use sqlite for Deskbar-Applet, too. Because, Python 2.5 has a  built-in
>>> sqlite module I suggest increasing the minimal version to 2.5  from
>>> currently 2.4.3 . Of course, Python 2.5 has more benefits [2].
>>> [1]:
>>> [2]:
>> (heh, I should read ddl before replying to mails)
>> So, I took a quick look at the second link. That's all cool, but can we
>> get an overview of what is really useful in there for us?
>> Vincent
> * Various speed improvements regarding re module, sets, unicode operations
> (substring, split, en-/decode) and handling exceptions [1].
> * New ElementTree package for processing XML. It's easy to understand and
> fast.
> * New hashlib package which supports previously unsupported SHA-224,
> SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512.
> * New ctypes package which lets you load libraries and calling functions in
> them.
> * The 'with' statement. Which makes it very easy to use locks or read/write
> a file, because it makes sure everything is cleaned up correctly (e.g. when
> an error appeared).

How many of these features are critical for the GNOME modules written
in python? We all like new stuff, but _at the moment_ python 2.5 is
not mainstream everywhere, so -1 for me as long as new features can be
added using external modules for 2.4.

Alberto Ruiz

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