Re: maintainer scripts

Ysgrifennodd daniel g. siegel:
> thanks! it was exactly that what i needed. i modified it a bit, mostly
> to have the changelog and news style of older release notes of cheese.

Metacity also has a release script, which I'd also like to merge:

Brad Fitzpatrick produced a grand unified release script called ShipIt 
once; I took a look at merging it with that.  It's written in Perl, 
which is a shame because most GNOME scripts are written in Python or 
shellscript.  However, it did have one really important and useful 
feature, which was that any project could contain a file which overrode 
one or more steps of the standard procedure.  That way, you didn't have 
to write a new release script every time, or fork a standard one, but 
you could modify it in just the way you needed.

I didn't end up using ShipIt in the end, because there were some 
finer-grained modifications needed than it seemed worth making and 
keeping the same system.  The design is rather lovely, though, and I 
believe it would be worthwhile to adopt in any generalised maintainer 

> btw: we have another cool script, which basically is a wrapper around
> svn commit, which updates the ChangeLog file with the commit message
> before actually commiting.
> you can find it here:

Funnily enough, Metacity also has such a script :)

Maybe we should all be pooling effort.



Thomas Thurman, tthurman at gnome,
little bird

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