Re: Module proposal: Empathy for GNOME 2.24

2008/3/25, Mathias Hasselmann <mathias hasselmann gmx de>:

By making Empathy an official GNOME component, we tell all our users,
that Pidgin is legacy and that they should switch to our superior
solution. As good engineers we would have integrated Pidgin, if
our solution wouldn't be much superior.

I don't think is fair to assume that accepting something in GNOME means everything else is legacy. We're just certifying that the project complies with the GNOME standards, dependencies, licence, coding style, use of approved bindings, technologies and that fills a gap that the oficial module set has.

It is not a regression from the GNOME point of view, but from a distribution shipping pidgin/xchat point of view, it might be, but that's not up to us to decide.

Accepting Ryhtmnbox means Banshee is legacy? Or the other way around? Don't think so.

Accepting modules before they're feature complete is not a bad idea, it would actually push some people's motivation to actively implement the misssing bits.

Did we denied the inclusion of GIO/Gvfs despite its lack of ftp backend? No.
It was actually the fact that the ftp backend was a stopper what motivated Benjamin to do the work, I think that wouldn't happened if we didn't pushed GIO/Gvfs to the latest release.

On the other hand IRC is getting less and less popular nowdays, and most old school IRC users still prefer a dedicated client like XChat. (Actually, in my point of view, IM and IRC are two completely different use cases).

+1 for inclusion as long as licensing issues get clarified and sorted out

Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz

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