Re: no external panels for gnome-control-center [was GNOME Feature Proposal: Backup]


On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 6:34 PM, Luca Ferretti <lferrett gnome org> wrote:
> Il giorno gio, 12/05/2011 alle 18.14 -0400, David Zeuthen ha scritto:
>> > So? Why this should be a failure?
>> Because the premise of System Settings in GNOME 3 is,
>> surprisingly, to change your system settings or personalize the
>> experience.
> So, are there no system settings or personalizations other then the ones
> provided by GNOME? 6.x billions of people and only ten (or so) settings
> panel?
>> We should strive to make this as easy as possible and having 20
>> panels such as "Java Settings" or "HTTPD Control" or even "Firewall"
>> is something that gets in the way. So if we allowed 3rd party panels,
>> it would be a failure because trusting that people won't write broken
>> panels like the ones mentioned above is, unfortunately, very naive.
> Wait: first, it's GNOME3, not GNOME2, you can't provide a new panel
> simply adding a .desktop file with proper keys. You have to develop it
> using proper API. This is a first barrier for broken stuff.
> Second: are we a censorship? are we fighting against the ugly? are all
> non-gnome developers odd and stupid?
> It seems your starting point is: everybody's wrong, but not GNOME
> people. I feel it really offensive and counterproductive for GNOME
> project itself.

Speaking of offensive, suggesting that GNOME is a censorship is pretty
offensive. Not to mention insulting. I'm not going to have a
conversation with you like this. Please keep it real.


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