Re: 3.12 feature: polari

What's the new shiny feature for this over the more established players?

I saw on the notes it mentioned about missed messages and multiple channels - will there be a gnome hosted service that proxies the messages so they're available on reconnect as that would be faaaancy :D

On 11 Oct 2013 11:19, "Allan Day" <allanpday gmail com> wrote:
David Woodhouse <dwmw2 infradead org> wrote:
>> Or be a better alternative to Empathy for rooms, leaving Empathy (or
>> eventually, Contacts + Shell, I guess) for IM.
> That seems like confusing balkanisation to me.

The usage patterns for IRC are different from regular IM (passive
presence in many "always on" channels vs. active participation in a
smaller number of temporally specific conversations). You can't
support both with the same UI (I know, I've tried to design such a

> So if I'm having a
> conversation in an IRC channel with someone, and we decide to take it
> *off* the channel to private messages, it suddenly ends up in a
> different app altogether?

No. Please check the mockups [1] - private messages are handled in
Polari (in a similar fashion to other IRC clients, like XChat).

There's nothing radically new here - IRC and IM clients frequently
coexist without any problems. This feature is simply intended to
provide a better IRC client for GNOME.


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