Re: Potential GNOME IDE

On Sat, 2014-01-04 at 21:44 +0100, Reinout van Schouwen wrote:
I have no experience with either of those so won't comment on that.
surely aesthetics don't drive your choice of development tools? 
I don't think it'd be a good idea to release a hypothetical GNOME IDE
that was not well-integrated with the rest of the GNOME desktop.

Netbeans defaults to the (slightly buggy) Gtk+ L&F on Linux.
I just change the L&F parameter to Nimbus and IMHO that looks pretty
nice. The important point is that it is a mature (and fully open) IDE.
Oh really -- didn't know that. But I've watched my friend use Netbeans
on GNOME just a couple months ago, and the menus, file choosers etc.
look distinctly 1990s Java-esque, nothing at all like other GTK+ apps. I
guess he could have changed the look and feel settings, but I doubt

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