Re: Good read from a new GNOME user

On Thu, 2 May, 2019 at 11:26 AM, Carmen Bianca Bakker <carmen carmenbianca eu> wrote:
So from a user perspective: Yes, it's annoying that some settings are
in GNOME Tweaks, and there is no way to know which settings are where
short of simply remembering. But from a design perspective, I can
appreciate that GNOME Settings is as clutter-free as possible.

I kind of like what Windows 7 😖 did in their Control Panel.

The common actions are easily accessible, and the less common ones are hidden behind just a few “Advanced” clicks.

And everything is searchable too. The current GNOME Settings search only seems to only consider panel names and descriptions, which is far from adequate. Try searching “Output Device” – you will get “No results found”. Something like full-text search similar to one Firefox has in its preferences might be nicer and allow us to merge the two configuration applications.

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