how to submit a bug

Gnome developers,

I've run across a bug, (maybe a feature) in gnome 3.32. I ran across this bug when I upgraded from fedora 29 to fedora 30.

I run VMWare Workstation Pro so that I can use windows 10 inside a vmware client. I often resort to putting the vmware client into full screen mode. The bug which I encountered diables one from going out of full screen mode. What happens is that you move the cursor over the "shrink out of full screen mode icon" and when you click on it, the tooltip appears describing the action (get out of full screen mode) and leaves the tool tip there, but the click action never causes the vmware client to get out of full screen mode.

After messing with it a bit, I discovered that if I hover the mouse over the shrink out of full screen mode button, the tooltip pops up describing the action when the mouse is clicked. If I wait for the tooltip to popup, and then click, the vmware client does pop out of full screen mode.

I'd like to report this bug, but I don't know where to do so.


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