Re: Licensing and copyright

Le Mardi 24 Février 2004 18:19, Alexander Winston a écrit :
> On June 25, 2003, the United States and the European Union signed
> extradition and mutual legal assistance agreements that, from what I am
> able to comphrehend, allow the extradition of any citizen that is a
> citizen of a European Union member state. The European Union's Web site
> says that 25 countries are currently member states, including most
> notably, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands. (These are
> the few European countries whose intellectual property laws I am able to
> recall.)

Dear Alexander,

Thanks for the information. More information about extradition here:

European countries will continue to apply their ground of refusal (=they do 
not extradict their own citizen). The agreement seems to be targeted at 
American living in Europe and Europeans living in the United-States and more 
generally foreigners of both coutries. 

Anyway, thank you for the information. On the long run, why not imagine that 
the United-States may ask for the extradition of a European.

For people not aware of all laws existing in the United-States, I recommand 
keeping out the umbrella of American laws.

Best regards,

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