Re: Licensing and copyright

These constant anti-American ramblings from you are getting tiresome.
So far you have managed to contribute nothing but nonsense,
misconceptions, and half-truths to this discussion.  We are trying to
put together a formal policy on copyright for the GNOME foundation.
This is not a referendum on US law or on US policy.  No one is forcing
you to do anything in, by, for, with, or to the US.

If you don't have anything to contribute to the discussion you should
just keep quiet.

On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 18:59 +0100, Jean-Michel POURE wrote:

> Le Mardi 24 Février 2004 18:19, Alexander Winston a écrit :
> > On June 25, 2003, the United States and the European Union signed
> > extradition and mutual legal assistance agreements that, from what I am
> > able to comphrehend, allow the extradition of any citizen that is a
> > citizen of a European Union member state. The European Union's Web site
> > says that 25 countries are currently member states, including most
> > notably, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands. (These are
> > the few European countries whose intellectual property laws I am able to
> > recall.)
> Dear Alexander,
> Thanks for the information. More information about extradition here:
> European countries will continue to apply their ground of refusal (=they do 
> not extradict their own citizen). The agreement seems to be targeted at 
> American living in Europe and Europeans living in the United-States and more 
> generally foreigners of both coutries. 
> Anyway, thank you for the information. On the long run, why not imagine that 
> the United-States may ask for the extradition of a European.
> For people not aware of all laws existing in the United-States, I recommand 
> keeping out the umbrella of American laws.
> Best regards,
> Jean-Michel
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