2009-February Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
=?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99eklad?= =?UTF-8?Q?_=E2=80=93?= =?UTF-8?Q?_u=C5=BEivatelsk=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_p=C5=99=C3=ADru=C4=8Dka?= Rhythmbox 0.11,
Martin Picek
gnome-subtitles l10n,
Petr Kovar
Zdenek Hatas
=?utf-8?q?Slovn=C3=ADk_vizu=C3=A1ln=C3=ADch_prvk=C5=AF?= GNOME,
Adrian =?utf-8?q?Guni=C5=A1?=
Re: Skript pro kontrolu pravopisu + =?ISO-8859-2?Q?v=FDsledek?=,
Petr Kovar
=?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99eklad?= =?UTF-8?Q?_=E2=80=93?= GConf 2.26,
Martin Picek
=?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99eklad?= =?UTF-8?Q?_=E2=80=93?= =?UTF-8?Q?_u=C5=BEivatelsk=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_p=C5=99=C3=ADru=C4=8Dka?= gnome-user-share 2.26,
Martin Picek
=?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99eklad?= =?UTF-8?Q?_=E2=80=93?= gnome-user-share 2.26,
Martin Picek
=?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99eklady?= =?UTF-8?Q?_u=C5=BEivatelsk=C3=BDch?= =?UTF-8?Q?_p=C5=99=C3=ADru=C4=8Dek?= =?UTF-8?Q?_=E2=80=93?= jak vygenerovat =?UTF-8?Q?p=C5=99=C3=ADru=C4=8Dku=3F?=,
Martin Picek
prechod na l10n.cz,
lokalizace v gnome a launchpadu,
Zdenek Hatas
uprava wiki,
Expirace =?UTF-8?B?ZG9tw6lueSBsMTBuLmN6?=,
=?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99eklad?= =?UTF-8?Q?_=E2=80=93?= GConf Editor 2.26,
Martin Picek
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Z=E1jemci?= o =?UTF-8?Q?p=C5=99eklad?= GIMPu,
Martin Picek
=?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C4=9Bkdo?= GIMP?,
Martin Picek
- Re: =?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C4=9Bkdo?= GIMP?,
=?UTF-8?Q?Ji=C5=99=C3=AD?= Eischmann
- =?iso-8859-2?Q?Re=3A=20P=F8ekl=E1d=E1=20n=ECkdo=20GIMP=3F?=,
- Re: =?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C4=9Bkdo?= GIMP?,
=?UTF-8?Q?Ji=C5=99=C3=AD?= Eischmann
- Re: =?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C4=9Bkdo?= GIMP?,
Andre Klapper
- Re: =?ISO-8859-2?Q?P=F8ekl=E1d=E1_n=ECkdo?= GIMP?,
Petr Kovar
- Re: =?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C4=9Bkdo?= GIMP?,
Andre Klapper
- Re: =?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C4=9Bkdo?= GIMP?,
Martin Picek
- Re: =?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C4=9Bkdo?= GIMP?,
=?UTF-8?Q?Ji=C5=99=C3=AD?= Eischmann
- Re: =?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C4=9Bkdo?= GIMP?,
Martin Picek
- Re: =?UTF-8?B?UMWZZWtsw6Fkw6EgbsSba2Rv?= GIMP?,
Petr Kovar
- Re: =?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C4=9Bkdo?= GIMP?,
Martin Picek
- Re: =?ISO-8859-2?Q?P=F8ekl=E1d=E1_n=ECkdo?= GIMP?,
Petr Kovar
- Re: =?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C4=9Bkdo?= GIMP?,
Martin Picek
=?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99ekl=C3=A1d=C3=A1n=C3=AD?= GOK, =?UTF-8?Q?=C5=BE=C3=A1dost?= o pomoc,
Martin Picek
Pomoc s =?UTF-8?Q?p=C5=99ekladem?= stringu,
Michal =?UTF-8?Q?P=C4=9Bnka?=
=?UTF-8?Q?P=C5=99eklad?= =?UTF-8?Q?_n=C3=A1zv=C5=AF?= z oblasti GNOME Foundation,
Martin Picek
rezervace prekladu,
Adrian =?UTF-8?Q?Guni=C5=A1?=
Czech team membership status change,
Petr Kovar
Re: =?ISO-8859-2?Q?Dal=B9=ED_zm=ECny?= v =?ISO-8859-2?Q?p=F8eklad?= =?ISO-8859-2?Q?atelsk=E9m_rozhran=ED?=,
Petr Kovar
Mail converted by MHonArc